Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Red, white, and blew

Patriotism has taken different forms in my lifetime.  My parent’s friends criticized me and my generation for protesting the Vietnam War and marching for equality for all.  They called us unpatriotic.  I remember telling them that my spine tingles just like I’m sure theirs does when the national anthem is played and that we cry at the sound of Taps on the trumpet.  They said they didn’t believe me.

Now foreign flags are proudly displayed next to the stars and stripes on the porches and front lawns of the bungalows in my neighborhood. The woman in front of me in line at Office Depot was wearing a sparkly t-shirt featuring the American flag. I remember when putting that symbol on clothing was controversial. Today politicians are questioned when they don’t wear a flag lapel pin. 

A terrible storm blew through here on Sunday.  To the west I saw the red, white and blue balloons from someone’s backyard picnic take flight.  A festively decorated lawn chair was somersaulting along with the trash and recycle bins down the alley.  Then it got so dark and the wind, rain and hail pounding the windows really scared me, so, for the first time I gave up watching nature’s display and hovered in the hallway.  The cat hid.  
When it was safe I walked around my block to see the damage.  There were branches down and debris scattered about.  In one front lawn there was a large flag – upside down with its pole like a spear in the ground.  Also glad to be outside after the storm was a group of rainbow children.  They went over and rescued the flag.  Of course, being children, they ran around with it like a parade for a minute, but then, they knew which house it belonged to and off they marched.  An elderly man came out his front door just as they walked up to his porch.  He smiled and saluted.  So did the kids.

OK, that last paragraph is fiction.  Too bad, as I rather liked the scene when it popped into my head and wondered what to do with it.  It doesn’t reflect a shift from musings to stories it just leads to this week’s question.  What is your red, white and blew story?

Happy 4th!

PS: Deadlines and loss of internet forced the delay from Monday to Tuesday. 

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