Sunday, August 04, 2013

Unfinished Projects

If you’re like me there is something in your home that you have yet to finish.  Whether it’s tucked away in a closet or drawer or out in plain sight, somehow it doesn’t make it to the to-do list.  Six months after my move I still have a picture leaning against the wall in the living room rather than hanging on a hook.  Far across from it is my newest art piece, a mosaic birdhouse I made two weeks ago.  It requires the last step, grouting.  The bag of grout is in my catch all bowl on the kitchen counter at the other end of the house.  Part of me looks at it and thinks it is fine as it is.

French author Andre Gide wrote, “In hell there is no other punishment than to begin over and over all the tasks you left unfinished in your lifetime.”   I think that includes all of the good intentions, all of the ‘could haves.’   On the other hand, English poet Christina Rossetti counters with, “Can anything be sadder than work yet unfinished?  Yes, work never begun.”
So, I’ve just pulled out a couple of ‘thinking of you’ cards that are overdue to be sent, saved another document for a potential blog idea that just didn’t work for today, and made a date with a friend I haven’t seen in a long time.  The picture still sits in its temporary place, but I bought household gloves with which I’ll apply the grout.  When I get around to it.

Let me know if you get inspired to work on an unfinished project.

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