Sunday, September 11, 2016

5 things I want to un-invent

We've all got our pet peeves. Such things basically fall into two categories: behaviors and things. Behaviors get resolved in relationships. If you work in an office, you know that teammate who never makes a fresh pot of coffee or cleans up after themselves. When you live with someone, you compromise about clutter and cleanliness. You adjust, or not, to changes in society that have ‘like’ as every other word in a sentence, underwear showing or online shopping. This musing is not about those, but about 5 things I wish had never been invented.

This topic came to mind because the first item is in my new home and I cannot change it. There is only one switch in the bathroom and it turns on, simultaneously, the ceiling light and the exhaust fan. I've always been annoyed with such switches in hotels, and now I've got it in my home. I understand the reason for it is to help eliminate the moisture, but still. Now I can't hear the radio in the kitchen.

My second peeve has been in my last 2 cars. When the temperature outside hits 39 degrees, my car beeps to tell me it might snow with an alert usually meant for stop-the-car-now-before-it-blows-up and a flashing snowflake. Each autumn as it gets colder, even though I know it is coming, I get momentarily frightened. I remain irritated until spring.

While the first two may not be on your list, I'll bet this one is: molded plastic packaging. That heavy stuff that is so difficult to cut but that you can cut yourself on. I'm sure it was shoplifting statistics that led to this invention, but I'll admit there are things I have not bought because I didn't want to deal with the packaging.

It’s back to the bathroom for my fourth item I wish hadn't been invented: the automatic faucet, the kind with sensors that start the flow of the water. I find these troubling because I seem to always stand at the sink where the sensor is non-sensitive and water doesn’t come. Same for automatic soap dispensers.

The last thing for now that I want to un-invent is bottled water. During my prep for moving, on move day and for the unpacking parties, I was grateful for the water in plastic, but also know had they not been available there were alternatives. I won’t buy anymore until it’s time for a big gathering. While I appreciate the convenience, the money we are collectively putting into some conglomerate’s pockets while harming the environment is absurd. Let’s ship all the bottled water to someplace experiencing a drought.

Alright, I’ve ranted enough and appreciate a venue in which to vent. At the moment, these are my top 5. What would you add?


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