Sunday, February 25, 2018

Unwinding, with discipline

We all unwind in our own ways and those ways can differ depending on the stress or challenges we’ve been facing. A few weeks ago I realized I needed a break when I knew I’d just committed to something in a conversation with my boss, but had no recollection of what it was. That evening I forced myself to do some online research. Two days later I booked a getaway and just returned from a retreat on walking and wellness with some welcome warmth thrown in since it was in Florida.

As we did tai chi or breathing exercises we were encouraged to be in the moment and try to ignore all the static going on in our brain. Our assignment for one nature walk was to see 5 things, hear 4 things, smell 3 things, touch 2 things and find something to taste. In our discussions on romantic walkers like Beethoven and Thoreau, and Victorian norm-breaking pilgrims like George Sand and Alexandra David-Neal, we explored threads that can connect and inspire us all. Learning about the history of the labyrinth and then completing a couple of meditative labyrinth walks was meaningful.

In this day of multitasking, despite all the studies that show is not effective, it takes discipline to concentrate on something as simple as inhaling and exhaling. It took discipline for me to sit down and find a program that fit what I needed and to then follow through. It takes discipline to remember to build self-care into our busy lives. It also takes discipline to discover what relaxation discipline works best for us. I hope to continue a few of the techniques I learned last week and encourage you to build in some unwinding time every day this week. May we have the discipline to unwind!


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