I wonder
what life would be like if we could exchange one of our talents for something
we truly desire. I’m not talking about when
we successfully make radical changes. What
I mean is, what would you and I do if offered the opportunity for a true gift
exchange? Would you trade in your math
skills or your ability to play the guitar for a chance to be a great
photographer? Would you give up being a
mediocre cook to be a famous chef? Perhaps
you’re tired of being good at or the best at golf and want to master
watercolors or crochet.
things that one can argue are gifts in our lives are our circumstances,
persona, viewpoint, body, and soul. What
if the gift exchange were extended to those?
I cling to the hope that in the next life I’ll be tall and willowy, but I
don’t know that I would give up my early years as a musician just to experience
that here and now. Well, perhaps I would
change out being able to give myself a decent manicure for a few more inches
and fewer pounds.What do you consider your greatest gift? Patience? Being a loving friend or mother or father? Would you give that up in order to have a dream? Notice that I’m not playing fairy godmother and suggest all you need to do is to ask for your heart’s desire. This gift exchange fantasy calls for sacrifice, for one thing we all know about the best gifts we give ourselves is that we work for them.
given thought to what gifts you might like in exchange for something you do
have, let’s close with a thought from Gian Carlo Menotti: “Hell begins on the
day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of
all the gifts that we have wasted, of all that we might have done but did not
celebrate and use the gifts we have. We
live in a country that allows us to do that.
Thanks to all who serve who have made that so.
I'm glad that you continue to give us your musings. I am thankful for them. They often inspire inner musings.