Sunday, January 04, 2015

Shared laughter at midnight

Some friends and I ended 2014 with a potluck meal and game of Tripoli. It was my turn to host. The weather cooperated so no one called to cancel. Folks found easy parking. Everyone looked festive, duly admired the seasonal decorations, and we settled down to enjoy tasty and lovingly prepared food and one another.

Within this group there are various sets of twos, threes, and fours that enjoy doing different things together. Some worked in the same office decades ago, two are sisters, four cruise companionably every year somewhere warm. Three are part of a pinochle group that has gathered monthly for thirty years.
You may be part of a similar conglomeration of people. There usually are one or two people who are the glue and one or two common elements. Over time there is a shared story, often ways various members have reached out to and been supported by the others throughout the years. Rivalry and disagreements occur and then become part of the group’s history. A chair may be empty for one get together or an extra chair made ready for a guest or potential new candidate.

Such groups, however tight or loosely formed, are important. They bring a sense of continuity and community to each person’s life. Within their confines we can find a safe place to vent or a place where we know we can be challenged to be the best we can be. Together we mourn and salute those who were once around the table. We boost up when needed and celebrate minor and major successes.
Our evening last week included the usual catching up, gossip, and ‘remember when’ stories. It also contained much laughter. We had the brief ‘ha ha’ moments and several of the deep belly laughs that, well, you had to be there to understand why we were laughing so hard while wiping away tears. At midnight we were busy blowing horns – well, some of us were trying to – and toasting one another, but the shared laughter of the night was a lovely way to usher out the old and welcome the new. It set a great tone for the year ahead. May we all find much to smile at and chuckle over – including our own foibles – in 2015, and may each group we are part of experience some laughs that resound throughout the hallways.


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