Each Monday I invite you to my place for a very brief
conversation. Most of the time you read
what I’ve written, have a private reaction, and move on to your day. Occasionally people comment publicly, but
more often it’s an email to me directly.
Again, there is no right or wrong.
That’s simply the reality for bloggers.
But, I’m sure there are weeks where you’ve said to yourself, ‘good idea
she started with but I would have written it this way’ or ‘she really missed
the point there.’
So how about you do
‘write it that way’ or write about something that’s been floating around in
your brain? 
Yes, will you be my guest blogger? You are welcome anytime. Khalil Gibran said, “If not for guests all
houses would be graves.” Well, I think
the same can become true of blogs.
If you accept this invitation, it would be up to you whether
you identify yourself or simply appear as a ‘guest.’ If you
want help with your idea, I’ll help, or am happy to host what you write on your
own. It’s your call. Should anyone comment or email, I would share
those with you.
Why might you want to do this? Because it’s fun. Because you’ve been waiting for someone to
write about a particular idea and decide you’d like to put on paper yourself. Because you’ve always thought you could. Because you’d like to try your hand at it. Because you are skilled at being a guest.
A Turkish proverb says, “Guests bring good luck with them.”
Please bring me some good luck.
Thanks for the opportunity and invitation. It's a good idea in all sorts of ways. If one day I decide I have something to muse about, I will certainly let you know.