Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lessons on Blogging and Life


Someone has probably done a serious study on this and I'll bet a comic has a stand-up routine, but here are some random thoughts I had the other day.  I would love to hear what you would change or add!




Every blog starts off with a purpose.  From serious to frivolous, bloggers search to find their online role.
Everyone needs a purpose to which they are committed.  Purpose creates community.
We're all here for a reason.

It takes all kinds

The internet opened up the whole world and makes it easy to connect to like-minded or very different-minded people around the globe.  This can enhance, expand and threaten us.
"Variety's the very spice of life that gives it all its flavor" is visible today in the work-place, families, playgrounds, neighborhoods, and parking lots.  This can enhance, expand and scare us.

It needs tending

Successful bloggers understand that the readers, the platform, and the blog page itself need regular attention and that sometimes you need to shake things up.
There may be times in life when it is ok to glide along for awhile, but we need to remember that each aspect of our life needs our undivided attention periodically.

Things change… and they probably should

Blogs evolve over time.  They can sometimes totally change course or simply get better, going to the next level of development or sophistication.  And, just when a blogger gets comfortable, along comes a new aspect of the internet, things like vlogging (video blogs).
One's purpose shifts, even if there is a faith-based foundation.  People adopt a new focus throughout the natural or sudden transitions of life.  We go from playground to school to career; from BFF's in the sandbox to college roommates to partners; from work to designing meaningful encore years.

Packaging matters

How a blog looks needs to match its purpose and reflect the creator.  That look and feel can engage readers, even a following, or it can detract from the message and ultimately turn people off.
As much as we would like to say it isn't so, appearance, understanding and utilizing norms or even trends to one's advantage can make the difference in whether one is successful along the road to one's purpose.

Not everyone will 'get it'

Not every reader will understand the point(s) a blogger is trying to make.  No reader will 'get it' all of the time.  This is good and can lead to dialogue.
Not everyone within one's circle understands us all of the time and in fact, people may clash.  This is healthy and parties can  'agree to disagree.'

It's not fair

Some very skilled, consistent, thought-provoking blogs get ignored while a cute kitty can become an overnight sensation.
Daily we learn lessons and see things that remind us that life is not fair. As hard as we work for equity - and we must continue to do so - there will still be injustices.

It’s better when shared

Putting something out into the cloud feels so much better when you know that it's been seen.  Better still is some type of acknowledge-ment that leads to a connection.
From cave drawings to eblasts, we are storytellers and communicators.  We want others to know, and  yes, even more, to understand us.  And, it's best when it's a two-way street.

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