Sunday, June 17, 2018


If you had a one-word sign in front of your home that told the world something about you, what would you want it to be? A new yellow sign popped up on my route to the office and it got me thinking about all of the labels that broadcast things about us. The fact that I wear BIFOCALS is a label as is my GREY hair. Our WARDROBE is a type of label, and some of us want the inside label to be just as noticeable as the clothes themselves. TATTOOS and PIERCINGS represent the challenge of thinking about labels, for to me, the trend is about the balance of fitting in while expressing one’s individuality.

We have learned that some of the obvious labels can hurt or be used against us. Labels like LEFT and RIGHT have polarized our nation. The bullying childhood taunts of FATTY, SKINNY, GEEK can still ring in our ears. Think, too, of Hester’s A or the Star of David BADGE Jews were once required to wear. But as hurtful as those can be, it is the internal labels that we hope no one sees. The ones like INSECURE or ‘FRAIDYCAT that our inner voice shouts or whispers. The one we fear says UNLOVABLE but that we know can say LONELY.

If only we realized that we share more labels than the ones we wear trying so hard to be unique. It was the word DEAF that got me started on this train of thought. That sign is now there to make drivers aware and afford safety to at least one person. But we are all DEAF to something; we all have a BLINDSPOT. Let’s focus on the labels that could make us all more aware and safe.


1 comment:

  1. Our minister and congregation did a great service on religion at the level of T-shirts yesterday (father's day). It ran in some of the same directions as this Musing.
    Saturday morning works for me. 9:00?
