Sunday, December 23, 2018

Recall notices

As consumers, we should be thankful for recall notices telling us that something we own is faulty, or more important, potentially dangerous or even lethal. And, while we probably are, mostly we are annoyed that we suddenly have a product we cannot use or have another errand to run, an appointment we need to make and keep. This came to mind last week as I sat in the waiting room at the car dealership for nearly two hours while the computer system in my 2016 beetle received some type of upgrade. 

As a friend, neighbor, lover, partner or family member, there are times when we wish we could send our own recall notices. When we admit there was an instance when, as a faulty human being, we said or did something we wish we could take back. Or maybe our flaw was that we did not do or say something when we should or could have. As citizens, we have the ability, indeed the duty, to issue a recall notice through casting a vote, and as an employee we need to speak up, even becoming a whistleblower to bring to light a concern that requires, if not a recall, at least scrutiny. As a Microsoft user, we can click on an option to recall an email.

Recall notices from manufacturers represent a mandate, a legal obligation, to fix things. In this season of good will and beginnings, let us manifest our own recalls for something in a relationship that we need to fix, or at least try to.

Happy Holidays!


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