Sunday, October 01, 2017

What's in your closet?

It's that time of year when we here in the midwest switch out summer clothes for heavier wear. Turtlenecks, vests, and corduroy slacks now hang where shorts or lightweight shirts and pants spent a few months. These seasonal switches allow us to to assess, sort and remove worn, out of fashion and no-longer-the-right-size garments. Yesterday as I began the process, I realized there were categories to what I saw.

My semi-organized wardrobe represents pieces of my life. Even though dress codes have changed, I still have clothes I mentally label casual vs. business casual. There are clothes for when I need to feel authoritative or simply need a pick-me-up. I've a few items for those rare dress up occasions and some that are festive or solemn.

My closet holds memories. There's the new t-shirt from vacation, that great jacket I got on sale and what I wore to a big event. As I smiled at a sweatshirt that says New Zealand, I acknowledged that sometimes I have held on to a piece of clothing much longer than appropriate because of association with an event or person. 

When I'm honest, I see poor decisions. Whatever made me think I can wear lime green? It doesn't matter that it was a great deal. What matters is I didn't pay attention to that little voice in my head at the time. Now, there it hangs, having been worn once.

Finally, I see opportunities. I see the chance to get a boost by doing something that I know makes me feel good - getting rid of stuff. I'm going to part with those blankies on hangers, those items with warm memories but which haven't been out of the closet for years. I see items for consignment, for Goodwill and even a couple that are appropriate for the rag bag. I am keeping the one that helped me win the ugly sweater contest a couple of years back, but out goes the lime green one. So, now that I've started, let me ask, what's in your closet? 


1 comment:

  1. I was engaged in a similar activity briefly yesterday. It's good to know that I am on the same page with someone so highly organized. Your last sentence rang for me like the line in Capital One commercials, "what's in your wallet?" I have a similar reaction to what I see in the closet to you. I didn't know others shared my thoughts and reasoning about clothes and how they fit the person and the occasion. Not much other news with Linda and me. Trying to cope with dull work. Trying to stay on top of Oberlin stuff.
