Sunday, February 11, 2018

With a little bit

Eliza Doolittle’s father charms My Fair Lady audiences with his wish for a little bit of luck so he can have it all and not get caught. His song came to mind when I had a couple of “little bit” incidences this week. Both involved a twinge of guilt. After a long intense Monday that included an extended commute home, I bailed on my book club, consequently missing an evening with a group of interesting women. Early on Friday morning I emailed the staff saying that the office would be open even as the snow continued to accumulate to more than 8 inches in some places. The guilt was because I planned to work from home even as I urged them to travel safe.

It seems odd to focus on a “little bit” in this time of very, very big things. From mega this to super that, we expect big. And, despite our expectations and hopes, we usually experience or settle for the little bit and are often grateful. Most of us have known times when that extra little bit in the paycheck made a big difference. When that tiny light at the end of the tunnel gave us a glimmer of hope to help us get through. When that small act of kindness turned around a crappy day.

Right now we need a little hint of spring, of renewal for the spirit. Sure, for those of us digging out from blizzards, a crocus would be most welcome, but we are all waiting for that little bit of common sense, decency and truth to appear in the headlines. A little bit of a break from the constant barrage of things that cause us to shake our heads and ask, “What next?” When you experience any positive little bit this week, please pass it on. We’d all be a little bit better for it.


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