Sunday, May 27, 2012

Field trips

Not from the Buffalo Zoo
My first field trip was also my first visit to the Buffalo Zoo.  I was six and in first grade.  I remember the anticipation, the bus ride, and that it was a cold and gloomy day.  Nothing about the zoo. 

My last school field trip took the entire day.  We rode the train to Corning, NY to see the process of glassmaking and the beauty of the finished product.  In between those first and last outings were trips to the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the science museum, and the Wonder Bread plant. We must have gone to Niagara Falls and the power project with all its exhibits about electricity, but I have no memory of that field trip.  

Field trips are adventures.  They are learning and growth opportunities.  They expose students to something new or may help them see something in a new way.
Yes, that is a coyote!
Adults need field trips too. While some may be educational, what they also are is a break from the routine, a chance to refresh, or to be a kid again.  
Last Tuesday I made one of my frequent visits to the Morton Arboretum ( Driving through or walking a path there calms me.  Sometimes I have to make a decision on whether the visit is for exercise, for gathering items for art projects, or to practice with a camera.  As you can see, this visit was the latter.
Being in nature centers me.  Even a walk through my neighborhood can seem like a field trip on those days when I’ve been stuck in my head or struggling with an issue.  One friend might describe her tennis lessons as a weekly field trip and another, his yoga classes as a field trip of relaxation or to inner peace.  An engaging book can take us on an adventure, and while we need that kind of mind stretching, it is not the same as experiencing a real journey.

What field trips do you regularly take?  Why?  What’s a favorite? What ones do you have planned for the year?  If ever you would like one to the arboretum, just let me know.  I'd love to share my favorite with you and would love to share your favorites with others!
Here’s wishing you safe travels - whether for a few hours or several days - for all the field trips you take!


1 comment:

  1. I took a field trip in the forest preserve that is right in River Forest. I was with my friend who loves to walk, and we did but what we also realized the conversation and walking distracted us so much that we got lost. Needless to say our outing turned out to be a true adventure!
