Sunday, May 13, 2012

Silver linings

No matter how much of an optimist you are, some clouds simply do not have silver linings.  Other clouds have to blow over before you discover what was there to see or learn or appreciate.  Like how the loss of a job led to a book and a blog.

We’ve had some dramatic storms lately.  Even as I write there is thunder in the distance.  A reporter on the radio just used the phrase, “people who live in weather-prone areas.”  I chuckled at that description.  Don’t we all know people who have dark clouds overhead continually, making their own weather-prone area?!  I’ve known dogs that are inconsolable as they cower under the bed during downpours.  One friend helped her five-year old son confront his fear of storms by reframing lightning into ‘nature’s fireworks’ and responding to each loud clap of thunder with their own round of applause and a shout of ‘Go, God!’
We try to be prepared, but we have learned that a storm is something we cannot control, must experience and let run its course.  I’ve endured some traumatic storms and you probably have too.  Losses that brought tears clouding my worldview.  Days that remained overcast inside when the outside was bright and clear. 

I have one friend who is enthralled with weather.  Weather-related websites are prominent in her favorites list, but she was recently reminded that storms are not always predictable.  An unexpected and troublesome tempest recently disrupted her life.  It is forcing uncomfortable discussions and the confrontation of old hurts and grief.  Some of us have known similar clouds and can predict this: when the fog scatters, life can actually be better.  Different, but better.

For me right now, there is a cloud on the horizon.  It may be a fluffy cumulous cloud that will float on by.  Or, it may morph into something to which I will need to quickly react.  If so, I’ve got my umbrella and boots ready and binoculars out to see if there is a silver lining.  I’m going to hope there is.
Where are the clouds or the storms in your life?

1 comment:

  1. The last couple weeks I have felt like there was a cloud or storm in my life but having had the opportunity to talk through my thoughts and feelings about situations I discovered that it was not my cloud. So my thoughts are that even when we feel a storm, let's make sure not to run out and get under it. We can simple watch it from our window and be grateful for the sunshine we feel in our hearts and minds.

    Great topic Marilyn!! I also hope that the storm passes for you!
